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- Written by: BMRC Admin
- Category: Club Boards
- Hits: 962
The Industrial Board is one of our newer boards.
The Industrial Board is a two section board of eight (six + two) foot long by three foot wide.
In 2023 the method of controlling the board was upgraded from a Raspberry Pi (as shown in the image above) to a micro controller based solution in a control box (as shown in the image below).
Are you curious to know more about the new control box, click on [this] article to find out more.
The Industrial Board was constructed over a number of year, refer to the how it was built refer to the article entitled The Industrial Board Construction.
The Board is now complete. There may be modifications to the control in the future to fix any bugs or improve usability.
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- Written by: BMRC Admin
- Category: Club Boards
- Hits: 3669
The Folding Board is our newest board that we use for portable displays at Fayres.
With the new extension board fitted
The full folding board with extension at the Hucclecote Model Railway Show (Jun 2024)
The full folding board with extension at our Running weekend (Oct 2024)
The board is "OO" gauge and features two main loops, with a single siding off the inner loop.
The board was built over a period of four months in early 2013 ready for its first outing on 22nd June. The board features a hinged layout, with a more complex control system and simplified wiring.
The Board is now complete. There may be modifications to the firmware in the future to enable the outer loop to be a test loop, or to change the game.
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- Written by: BMRC Admin
- Category: Club Boards
- Hits: 680
The Main Board is our flagship board that is the oldest and most complex layout the club has.
The board is "OO" gauge and features two main loops, with double sidings and an inner set of sidings that terminate at two station. There is also a inline station on one of the main loops.
The board was built over many years be different people and is a mix of construction techniques. It breaks into two parts for easy storage. The points and rails are individually wired to control box that has a picture of the layout to allow direct control. The board can support up to four moving trains at any one time.
Over time many of the new control techniques introduced for the The Industrial Board may be retrospectively fitted to this board.